High Premium Quality
Our skincare line is 100% natural and is designed to optimize skin health. BIOMAC products are made using high quality pure ingredients that have been proven to have a positive effect on the skin.
Our products are suitable for daily care and can also be ideal for sensible and atopic skin.
Atopic dermatitis (AD), or atopic skin, is a chronic skin condition characterized by patches of dry, inflamed, and itchy skin. The exact cause of AD isn't well understood. One factor may be an overproduction of cells by the immune system that promotes inflammation.
AD often starts in childhood and tends to flare up periodically. It is always recommended to see a physician to evaluate the best treatment for your AD.
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HEMP Cosmetics
HEMP is gaining acceptance as a natural ingredient in cosmetic formulations, with a variety of claimed wellness and cosmetic benefits, capable skin rejuvenating.

HEMP seed oil is a fashionable ingredient used topically in skincare products.Â
HEMP is an expensive ingredient compared and tends to be associated with premium-positioned beauty products.

SkinCare Premium Products
BIOMAC skincare line is 100% natural and is designed to optimize skin health, using high quantities of pure potent ingredients that have been proven to have an effect on the skin.
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